Friday, June 21, 2013

nursery themes. say what?!

the first time i encountered the "what's the theme of your nursery going to be?" question from another prego, i was all... what does this lady mean...theme?

so, to spare myself from looking like a total dummy i said, "i don't know yet, what's your theme?"

then she said..."it's like a winnie the pooh meets fairies theme."
i. was. terrified. am i expected to have a theme like that? i don't want to have a theme like that. waaaa!

i was barely into my second trimester & the thought of nursery details had barely crossed my mind. i didn't even know she was a she yet.

after we found out we were having a little baby girl, i went anti-theme & started scouring the interweb. that's when i was introduced to by my fabulous friend monica from awinkandanod

it was obvious that themes were not a must-do. so, i decided on a color scheme instead. coral, blues, & greens. 

then my sister & i found this fabric for inspiration (which has since become a pillow,  achanging pad cover and a few triangles of baby girl's bunting!):

since i came up with a decor inspiration, it has been (kind of) smooth sailing...many more nursery decor posts to come...

1 comment:

  1. hilarious about the winnie the pooh/fairies theme! yikes!
